Wiley's new almanac
The online Wiley Nautical Almanac went live on Monday. It is the culmination of 18 months’ preparation by a team led by Neville Featherstone, who edited MacMillan and Reeds hard copy almanacs for many years. The area extends from Lowestoft to Padstow and Vlissingen to L’Aber-Wrac’h, incorporating some 150 ports and harbours, and is divided into five areas. The content, which includes tides, weather, navigation and passage planning information for each port and cross-channel passages, can be downloaded in part or in full to a laptop and printed out.
The Wiley Almanac contains information on the following for each of the 150 ports and harbours:
– Tides: times and heights of high and low water, graphical tidal streams and rates
– Weather forecast: 1-7 days including wind direction and force in knots and Beaufort scale, sea state, air temperature, cloud cover, sun and moon rise and set
– Ports Harbour navigation: waypoints, aerial photographs, charts, navigation and pilotage notes
– Reference section: including information on Navigation, Communications, Safety and UK and Continental Weather sources
– Local facilities: contact details for marinas, fuel, restaurants, chandleries, marine engineers, sail makers etc
Notices to Mariners and Trinity House advice updated on issue Download here