When the boom breaks in a gale off Biscay, Sarah Button ponders the wisdom of ....

Truant in a tempest

Average speeds and passage times

Wight way round

Destinations: Douarnenez

PLUS: Your free pull-out chart

Sail faster

An open and shut race

Isles of the North

Getting height of tide on your side

On TestIsland Packet 370
?Never mind the length, feel the displacement,? advises James Jermain

Hand-bearing compasses

The family cruiser that?s ?close to ideal?

Laser rescue: making light of distress signals
The back-up beacon that lasts for 72 hours

New gear
Plotters, PCs, cleats, jerry cans and more
Sailing skillsA question of seamanship

60 ways to stay safe at sea

Sailing quiz
Five teasers to test your knowledge

Learning curve

Chartwork: when is a fix not a fix?
Nigel Calder stresses the importance of checking your chart datums

Radar class
Knowing how a radar works will help you choose a set that meets your needs

Look up or find yourself hooked up
Tom Cunliffe accepts that sometimes you have to learn the hard way

Any questions?
Cruising with children ? is it a good idea? And in search of marinas…Every MonthEditorial
View from the helm

Opening shot
Mexico?s sea of tranquillity sheltered by ?God?s little finger?

On watch

Des Sleightholme remembered, YM rallies and blue water seminars

Readers? letters
Checking SSR registration, gas safety and sun sights on an RYA Ocean course

YM subscriptions
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Next month
Sneak preview of next month?s YM

This cruising life

Blue Water Letter

PLUS: what links coconuts and rat poison?

A-Z of second-hand boats

Around the coast
Local news round-up from our coastal correspondents nationwide

Forgive me Father, for I have sailed