February 2016
In your February 2016 issue…
Expert on board: How to gybe safely
Tom Cunliffe explains the mechanics of gybing, what to avoid and how to gybe flawlessly
A question of seamanship
‘How would you cope with flat batteries?’
Any questions?
- ‘What’s the alternative to jackstays?’
- ‘How do I set my topping lift for in-mast furling?’
- ‘How to clean gelcoat?’
- ‘Spronging off?’
Expert ashore!
Why people fail RYA exams (and how to pass)
James Stevens shares his advice on how to avoid common mistakes
Skipper’s tips
- Twisting the day away
- Proper sealant
- All in the head 86
Learning curve
‘Lightning struck four feet from our stern’
Ian Ward has a very near miss while out for a summer daysail on the East Coast
‘Why anchor lights are unsafe.’
Alastair Buchan asks if it’s time to update the Colregs on lights for anchored boats
Home waters: The wrong way round Ireland
Nigel Calder finds a remarkably beautiful coastline, even if he tackled it the wrong way
British Virgin Islands
After a week’s charter, Chris Beeson had been to The Dogs and needed Painkillers but couldn’t have been happier
Adventure: One man’s search for sailing Utopia
Roy Starkey has made three shoestring circumnavigations. He tells Dick Durham of paradise lost
Cruising life: How to choose crew
The benefits and pitfalls of extra crew
Cruising log
Readers’ experiences in Greece and Tonga 62
Idyllic places to stop, from the Humber to Scottish lochs
Pilot book reviews
A look inside 8 new pilot books for 2016
Used boat test: Southerly 110
This shoal-draught 35-footer
is ‘perfect for creek crawling and capable offshore’ says Duncan Kent
New boat test: C-Yacht 1250i
This capable yacht has had a makeover. She will make you want to sail further, says Graham Snook
Technical: What happens when they ban antifoul?
Copper antifouling could be banned by 2020, but what’s the alternative?
New gear
- Illuminated lifejacket
- 3-in-1 fridge
- Autorouting app
Tried and tested
- Rugged camera
- Deck trainers
- Waterproof notebook