Ken Endean

Ken Endean

Ken Endean, a sailing instructor at the age of 20, spent the next 34 years in the construction industry but also cruised extensively in home waters between Scotland and Biscay.

He has been a regular contributor to Yachting Monthly and Practical Boat Owner‘s cruising and pilotage columns since 1977 and is the author of Adlard Coles Nautical’s Channel Havens, a popular guide to the South Coast.

Studland’s voluntary no-anchor zone, enforced by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), has been designated to protect the seagrass growing in the southern part of the bay. The new restriction will…

Eyeball pilotage is essential when sailing in areas like the Channel Islands

Getting close in to the coast to explore a tidal channel or find a snug anchorage is rewarding but close attention must be paid to the visual clues, says Ken…