Simon Jinks introduces a new series that will teach both traditional and modern techniques...
Yachting Monthly
Contents: April 2004
Sold on the Solomons- The reefs and lagoons of the Solomon...
Preview: April 2004
Night sailing special- Passage making at night presents the cruising yachtsman with a whole new...
Contents: March 2004
Sail like a local- Ken Endean introduces a new eight-part series that takes you to the places pilot books don't...
Record breakers get ready to go
Steve Fossett is about to set off on his bid for the fast circumnvaigation under sail
Solo round the world record smashed
Francis Joyon has sailed round the world alone in 72 days
Preview: March 2004
Roy Hart has spent more than 40 years cruising and ocean racing...
Contents: February 2004
Breaking the 200-mile-a-day barrier...
Australia prepares to welcome Gipsy Moth IV
Enthusiasm is growing in Australia for the Yachting Monthly Centenary project to restore Gipsy Moth IV and sail her to Sydney.
Preview: February 2004
Adrian Morgan cruises Sweden's west coast