Wind farms want to restrict where yachts can sail around them. The RYA is fighting for freedom of navigation. Stuart Carruthers told Toby Heppell precisely what you can and can’t…
Toby Heppell
10 seamanship skills every skipper should master
The 10 common mistakes..and how to avoid them. We ask the experts about the skills every good skipper should have in their armoury.
Tech that will change your cruising
It's a bold claim that tech can change how we sail, but there are areas where marine equipment really is making a difference. Theo Stocker and Toby Heppell pick the…
Tips to calibrate your instruments
Professional navigator Simon Fisher shares his top tips to calibrate your instruments, to make sure you get the most from your electronics onboard
The 5 practical tools to use for faster passages
Most of us have a lot of electronic kit on board. Toby Heppell asks the experts how to make the most of all this technology
Southampton Boat Show 2019 guide
As well as new boats look out for new features at this year's Southampton International Boat Show, which runs from 13-22 September 2019
New boats at Southampton Boat Show
There are still bargains and discounts to be found at shows around the world, of course, but in a world of online chandlery and speedy delivery they are no longer…