Jonty Pearce relishes his first sail in months after finally getting towards the end of his maintenance list for Aurial
Cruising life
Golden legend: Sir Robin Knox-Johnston
Only one sailor completed the 1968-69 Sunday Times Golden Globe Race. Katy Stickland meets Sir Robin Knox-Johnston as he recalls his groundbreaking voyage which started 50 years ago
Jonty Pearce: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
A fractured davit causes problems for Jonty Pearce as he prepares Aurial for cruising
Jonty Pearce: A painted ship upon a painted sea
Jonty Pearce celebrates the joys of a quiet sail on calm seas
Jonty Pearce: Ready for sailing again
After four months, Aurial has finally had her masts re-stepped and Jonty Pearce is now ready for the season
Jonty Pearce: The Green Flash – myth or truth?
How many times have we sat watching the sun dip down to the horizon on a beautiful summer’s evening? The sky turns golden, the sun appears to expand, and an…
Jolie Brise: A legend sails the Atlantic
For decades, Jolie Brise has been sailed and maintained by pupils from Dauntsey's School. Clare McComb finds out about their most recent passage - 10,000 miles across the Atlantic and
Jonty Pearce: Which matters more – the passage or the arrival?
With his feet back on dry land, Jonty Pearce reflects on the differences between coastal and offshore sailing
Jonty Pearce: 20 days on starboard tack across the Atlantic
With comms now at full working order, Jonty Pearce shares his adventure crossing the Atlantic from Antigua to The Azores
Pacific cruising without an engine
With no inboard engine and a dead outboard, Josh Ghyselincks discovers the joys of cruising across the Pacific under sail alone