Virtually all barometers are now electronic and many are now complete digital weather stations capable of providing extensive meteorological data, the likes of which only a professional forecaster would have…

Those who do lots of sailing, such as blue water cruisers, will benefit from the additional capacity of lithium boat batteries, powered by a number of sources

With ever-increasing power demands on today’s cruising yachts, Duncan Kent looks at lithium boat batteries and explains what’s needed to guarantee a safe and trouble-free system

Sailors' Vegan Cookbook dust jacket

The Sailors' Vegan Cookbook has recipes to satisfy any sailor's dietary requirement, and rightly deserves a place on your boat's book shelf

Introduction to Yacht Design book jacket

Introduction to Yacht Design explains the characteristics of boat design in a straightforward and understandable manner. Reading it would benefit most boat owners

Book jacket for Alistair MacLean’s War

Alistair MacLean's War is a fascinating delve into the writer's time in the Navy between 1941-1954, an experience which inspired many of his novels

Heavy Weather Sailing book jacket

Considered by many to be one of the most important books to have onboard, this latest edition of Heavy Weather Sailing deserves a place on your bookshelf, says Julia Jones