Recession will see crime soar
Insurers Navigators and General (N&G) say the recent rises in domestic burglaries across the UK may impact on boat owners this winter.
The UK’s police forces are reporting increases of up to 21% in household burglaries. The Government has predicted that the deteriorating economic conditions may send crime rates spiralling, and police figures for the last few months are starting to back this up.
N&G’s statistics are already showing that break in and theft claims are increasing. By the end of November 2008 they were well already above the total for the whole of 2007. The current economic climate does not look set to improve for sometime, and if as suggested this is related to increases in theft and burglary, the trend looks set to continue and possibly increase.
The longer nights also means there’s often less people around over the quieter winter period providing opportunities for thieves to steal expensive gear and equipment, not to mention the added risk of metal or diesel theft. Thieves will be likely to target areas and facilities with easy access, little security, poor lighting, and little CCTV coverage.
Popular theft targets include outboard motors, dinghies, navigation equipment, personal entertainment systems, and items that can be easily sold on and transported.