Your tender going cheap?
Tough tactics have been adopted by the new management of the Blackwater Marina at Maylandsea, Essex, in an unusual public relations campaign aimed at their current boat owning clients. The result is a collection of tenders displayed for sale with or without their owners permission.
The dinghies, normally stored on the seawall and a specially allocated section of pontoon, have been wire roped together on an area of grass and the For Sale sign erected next to them. Owners of the boats have not been consulted prior to this action, although the Marina claims to have sent out notices of intent.
There could well be some unusual insurance claims being submitted if owners do not happen to be in the yard soon and notice their dinghy amongst those for sale to say nothing of a few lawsuits instigated by disgruntled, dinghyless, clients of the Marina.
Boat owners in general are advised to check that it is permitted by their yard or marina to leave their tenders in situ over the winter even if they have been doing so for the past 40 years. Is this an example of New Millennium boatyard management?