Boot Dusseldorf Photo Gallery

The Scalar 34 attracted lots of attention and is all yours for €211k ex tax

The Scalar 34 has GRP hull, wooden deck and classic looks

The Haber 620 is just £28k ex vat – not bad for a lift keel, tabernacle mast, gunter rig motorsailer

The Haber 620 is just £28k ex vat – not bad for a lift keel, tabernacle mast, gunter rig motorsailer

Another Dutch Master – the Dijkstra designed Flyer 33. Ready to sail away for €123k ex tax

Another Dutch Master – the Dijkstra designed Flyer 33. Ready to sail away for €123k ex tax

Here’s the new Pointer 25 with engine, sails, 1/1.5m fixed keel for €60k

Here’s the new Pointer 25 with engine, sails, 1/1.5m fixed keel for €60k

Italia Yachts new 10.98 offers 36 slippery feet of Italian styling

Italia Yachts new 10.98 offers 36 slippery feet of Italian styling

A world premiere: Discovery Yachts launches its new 58. The world is yours – for £1.5m.

A world premiere: Discovery Yachts launches its new 58. The world is yours – for £1.5m

Sail away for €120k on the new Dragonfly 25 Sport and start scraping salt off your teeth

The Faurby 335 made it debut at Boot this year

The Faurby 335 – refined performance cruising from Denmark

Pelle Petterson is back! The all new Maxi 1200 is yours for €210k

Pelle Petterson is back! The all new Maxi 1200 is yours for €210k

The Scaler 34 attracted lots of attention and is yours from €211k ex tax

The Wauquiez Centurion 57 offers a lot of boat for €950k