Inside your March 2015 issue…
Expert On Board
Tracks and travellers: Tom Cunliffe explains how to control your sailpower for fast, comfortable cruising
Skipper’s tips
– Relieving the load
– Be kind to your guardrails
– Get yourself a proper grab bag
Practical seamanship
What to check on a shakedown cruise
Learning curve
Paul Baker is towed, flogged and lashed on a Baltic cruise
A question of seamanship
‘Where would you chose to anchor?’
Any questions?
– Fitting out for a UK circumnavigation?
– Safe from diesel bug?
– Too much for kids?
Ready to cross an ocean
How six crews prepared to cross the Atlantic
Home waters
An early spring cruise To Northumberland’s Holy Island
Pilotage: Laugharne
Visit Dylan Thomas’s home by boat
The yachtsman saving Britain’s oldest chandler’s
Cruising log
Readers’ cruising yarns
The oldest yacht
Could this be it?
Don’t dismiss in-boom reefing
Why Tom Cunliffe wouldn’t go back
Escape from Calais
Hoping for home
Choice spots in Jura, Yorkshire, Essex and the Canaries
New gear
Duncan Kent rounds up the best new kit, from inflatable cockpit tents to wind generators
Tried and tested
Bluetooth GPS, Hands-free action camera, MOB light, NMEA 2000 AIS transponder
How to tackle sea-toilets smells
Nigel Calder explains the best way to eliminate odours from your heads
New boats
Graham Snooks casts a critical eye over four of the latest new yachts to hit the water
Used boat test: Mystery 35
Bob Aylott savours the classic delights of this Stephen Jones design
New boat test: Sirius 40
Graham Snooks test the most spacious 40-footer he has ever seen