At night, judging distance from a single flashing light can be difficult. There are tricks to help you judge distance at sea by eye

Being able to accurately judge distance at sea is just as vital in the digital age as it ever was, says James Stevens. We look at how to refine your…

Beryl and Miles Smeeton with their daughter, Clio and their pets board Tzu Hang. Credit: Clio Smeeton

Miles Smeeton and his wife, Beryl were cruising trailblazers. Their daughter Clio recalls a lifetime of sailing with her parents and in her own boats

Swimmer descends to the liferaft in breaking waves; two casualties were still in the storm-battered sea after the yacht sunk. Credit: Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust

Bruce Goodwin's ocean crossing with friends was nearing an end when they encountered a storm; the liferaft was lost, the yacht sank. Skipper Stuart Pedersen tragically died just as he…

The life of a boat book jacket

Julia Jones, Yachting Monthly's literary reviewer discusses The Life of a Boat by Graeme Ewens, which is sold to support two thoroughly worthwhile causes

Best Marine diesel engines are essential for any boat

Modern marine diesel engines may look very similar to the large, noisy, oily chunks of iron of yesteryear, but a lot has changed under the bonnet, says Sam Fortescue

The Boatyard Book

Julia Jones, Yachting Monthly's literary reviewer discusses The Boatyard Book by Simon Jollands: "Although his advice is to ‘Know your limitations’; his personal approach is determinedly DIY."