Dick Durham mulls the algorithm of a pint ashore while anchored in this River Swale creek on the East Coast
Yachting Monthly
How to stay warm on a boat all the year round
Summer nights or winter moorings, keeping cold at bay is aways a hot topic. Toby Heppell shows you how to stay snug whether you are sailing in spring, summer, autumn…
Southampton Boat Show 2021: Best new sailing yachts making their debut
Much like cinema releases of new films, boat launches have been stymied by the pandemic while boat builders have hung on until they’ve been able to give their latest models…
Aberdaron: shelter on the North Wales coast
Dag Pike finds refuge on the western tip of the Llýn Peninsula while he waits for the ideal conditions for navigating Bardsey Sound
Tested: Vesper Cortex VHF radio, AIS and remote monitoring
Promising to revolutionise how sailors communicate on board, the Vesper Cortex integrates VHF radio, Class B AIS, remote vessel monitoring and more
Internet at sea: The future of getting online
Mark Hawkins explores the options for guaranteed internet at sea and the new technologies for bluewater sailors
Checking keel fastenings: what to look for
Ben Sutcliffe-Davies talks through why it is important to both think about and take good care of your keel fastenings
Southampton Boat Show 2021: Our pick of the most innovative gear on show
Our pick of the latest innovations in technology, navigation, communications and safety to look out for at the Southampton International Boat Show.
Sailing in waves: top tips to keep you safe at speed
Sailing in waves can make for a jarring, juddering experience and long, uncomfortable passages and at worst, a dangerous, boat-rolling hazard. However, it can also mean a thrilling surfing ride…
Dufour 390: ‘Responsive, fun & forgiving to sail’
The Dufour 390 is an impressively roomy cruiser that also offers more performance than you might expect, says David Harding