Dr Roger Chisholm dressed in red with a dark hat and sunglasses helming a boat

Facing shipwreck on a lee shore didn’t put him off sailing, but then having only one limb of four working didn’t put this MS sufferer
 off climbing. Dick Durham meets…

The crescent bay of Deshales in Guadeloupe

Kit Pascoe discovers Deshaies, Guadeloupe, is ideal for exploring the wild side of this French Caribbean island

Town Quay in Cowes

James Stevens answers your Questions of Seamanship. This issue - with their prop out of action, can the crew sail back to Cowes in a 10-knot westerly and pick up…

The Beast from the East plunged the country into the depths of an Arctic winter. Green shoots of early daffodils naïvely preempting the first day of spring froze under a…

SAILING SKILLS The knowledge The Coastguard has undergone a huge modernisation. See inside the technology keeping sailors safe Learning curve ‘We dodged coral to deliver aid.’ A cruise to Papua…