I doubt that the Natural Environment Research Council realised what a furore they would raise when they decided to hold a national vote to find a name their new £200m…
Yachting Monthly
How to anchor under sail
Can you set and weigh anchor under sail, without turning the ignition key? Tom Cunliffe demonstrates a handy cruising skill
Jonty Pearce: It’s regatta time!
Flaming June has arrived on our doorsteps – and what wonderful weather it’s been! Before the weekend my surgery fans were running flat out and all we could do was…
Northumberland offshore wind farm at Blyth approved
A new offshore wind farm at Blyth, off the coast of Northumberland, has been approved and will be complete by the end of 2017
Jonty Pearce: Tinkering about
A few years ago I updated my ageing Avon Redstart in favour of a Tinker Tramp inflatable dinghy. Whilst I loved the Avon, and still do (it now lives in…
Tom Cunliffe July 2016 podcast
I have a charcoal filter on the foot-powered drinking-water pump in my galley. It normally catches everything and I never suffer a bad cup of tea. At Easter, I was…
Libby Purves July 2016 Podcast
Good to have the pilotage notes on going round Land’s End (p40). No headland is without its nervous moments, especially with cliffs involved, and off-lying rocks suggesting that the land…
Dick Durham July 2016 Podcast
Most people don’t ‘get’ Roger D Taylor. At one time, blinded by sunny photographs of exotic ports in over-written pilot books, nor did I. Roger sails round in ever-increasing circles…
Jonty Pearce: Fun with flags
At the end of last season I snapped our wooden flagstaff when using it as a handhold coming up the stern ladder from the dinghy. It is in a slightly…
July 2016
Here's what's inside our July 2016 issue...