© Graham Snook Photography

Poland’s boatbuilders have a certain reputation, but is it fair? Yachting Monthly’s Graham Snook tests the latest Maxi 1200 to find out

Jonty Pearce

During our Friday evening three hour drive to Aurial, we reassured ourselves that Saturday would dawn still and sunny for our inauguaral 2015 sail. Gladly, it did, though I woke…

Tom Cunliffe

“The true peace of God begins at any spot a thousand miles from the nearest land” One of my favourite quotes is from Joseph Conrad. ‘The true peace of God…

“First of all, fear helps. One hand for yourself, one for the ship” I’m glad to see, among this month’s topics, the rather vital one of how not to fall…

Dick Durham

“Bittles was no sailor, but he knew a good idea when he saw one” Exactly 90 years ago this month, Yachting Monthly conceived an offspring, Yacht Sales & Charters. The…

Jonty Pearce

It was just one of those days. We all have them – days when everything we touch goes wrong and it is best to just give up and go back…