Guilty verdict given to Chief Mate at helm of the dredger Shoreway that hit and sank the yacht Orca, killing one of her crew
Yachting Monthly
Crash Test Boat – Holed and sinking
You’ve hit something and you’re holed. What do you do next? Chris Beeson and the Crash Test crew smash a hole in the hull to test 10 ways of saving…
Novel emergency boarding ladder
An emergency boarding ladder became essential kit for intrepid small boat cruiser Jim Mottram after he was knocked overboard while anchoring
How to choose the right anchor
Which of the many anchor designs is best for your boat? Vyv Cox helps you choose the best anchor for your style of cruising
Planets align to create ‘supertide’ this weekend
The Environment Agency has issued 10 flood warnings and 17 flood alerts in the southwest of England. The cause is as a rare alignment of the moon and sun, which…
Grounded tanker leaking diesel near Ardnamurchan Point
The ‘Lysblink Seaway’, which ran aground at around 0200 on Wednesday 18 February, has been surrounded by an absorbent boom in an attempt to prevent the oil from harming the…
World’s largest offshore wind farm approved for Yorkshire coast
400 wind turbines will be constructed in the North Sea off the Yorkshire coast as part of the world's largest offshore windfarm
‘Sailing ships’ could return to our oceans
Sailing ships could carry cargo across the worlds oceans, using their hulls as a sail
John Caldwell: Desperate Voyage
Stranded in Panama after the war, John Caldwell took a 20ft boat solo across the Pacific in a desperate bid to re-join his new bride in Australia. But first, he…
Different types of anchor – pros and cons
When it comes to choosing between different types of anchor, there's a variety of factors to consider. Vyv Cox explains their strengths and weaknesses