What do you think of whaling?’ I paused to consider my response as the ageing fisherman chomped down on his cheese sandwich. I had recently begun work as a skipper…
Yachting Monthly
Brian Black Memorial Award video winner 2023
In 2017, we embarked on a circumnavigation onboard our sailboat Mothership. Our mission was to immerse our three kids in a life of culture, exploration, and adventure. Our video is…
A novice’s maiden voyage sailing around Britain
Distant rain moved across the sky like a silver veil. Behind the rain, the land and sea had become one: just a smudge of grey, with Plymouth somewhere in our…
A futurist explores what yachting will look like in 2030 and beyond
Millions of people across the UK are now spending some of the £190 billion saved during the Covid lockdowns on a wide range of new adventures and projects – including…
Sailing in Europe: how to extend your stay
Spending more than three months sailing in the Mediterranean, as a UK citizen, and remaining within the confines of the EU visa rules can be challenging. With the addition of…
Spectacular start to the Ocean Globe Race
A flotilla of well-wishers, including Britain’s largest working steamship, Shieldhall, waved and clapped the Ocean Globe Race fleet to the starting line opposite the Royal Yacht Squadron on the Isle…
Offshore navigation: your guide to this essential skill
Every voyage starts with a dream, and a voyage on my own boat to the remotest parts of the world was my dream as far back as I can remember.…
How do boat propellers work?
A propeller is fitted to a vessel so that the power from the engine can be transmitted, via the gearbox and shaft, into the water at the aft end of…
GT325 review: a little different
There seems to be a consensus that all new cruising yachts look the same, but I would defy anyone to say that about the GT325. That’s because she is different…
Southampton Boat Show 2023: Your essential guide to Britain’s biggest boat show
Boat show season starts in earnest in the autumn as boat builders begin launching their models for the next season. Cannes, with its French glamour, is the first of these…