Sweden has answer to fouling?
Yachting Monthly
Steve White gets free marina berth
Dorset welcomes their local hero
Sailing an Open 60
YM duo taken for spin in Weymouth Bay
Link 30
Exciting new club racer from the board of David Thomas, tested in the October 2008 issue of Yachting Monthly.
Moody 45DS
The most exciting new boat for years, with looks you'll either love or hate. See how she sails here.
Perham: another Tasmanian false start
More autopilot trouble forces teen sailor back to port
Britain’s Jolie Brise lies third
The first leg of the Tall Ships Atlantic Challenge is now under way
‘We look forward to returning to Earls Court in November 2010’
Show is postponed for a year while organisers focus on developing a new 2010 British Leisure Show.
‘Thank God we’re alive!’ says skipper
Why British crew abandoned their yacht 400 miles NW of Ireland
Morris 36
The beautiful Morris 36 previewed by Yachting Monthly and reviewed in the December 08 issue.