Beaulieu goes commercial

Avon is the latest large manufactuerer to announce plans to exhibit at BoatWorld, a new event to be held in conjunction with the Beaulieu Boat Jumble

Contents: April 2002

Dragons and Demons Sailing the exotic islands of Indonesia, Fred and Jacquie Lockey encounter the Komodo dragon and stowaway spirits...

Do you have a boat? The International Yachting Fellowship of Rotarians has organised the 22nd Outing for Handicapped Children in Chichester Harbour for Friday 14th June 2002 and is asking…

Recreational craft stability

After nearly twelve years of negotiation the end is now in sight for an international agreement on categorising recreational craft stability

Jersey joins Clipper 2002

The island of Jersey will compete in the next Clipper Round-the-World Yacht Race it was officially announced today

Finnish boatbuilder Nautor has delivered hull No.1 of its Swan 45 from its Finnish base in Pietarsaari