Inside the Summer 2023 issue of Yachting Monthly we bring you an experts guide to finding your way past the orcas causing difficulties in the Gibraltar Straights, and the story of one unlucky sailors’ encounter with them.
Out on the water, we test the new X-Yachts X43 and the rather less new Jenneau Sun 2500. Plus our guide to yacht deliveries, a complete guide to getting your boat from A to B.
All this and Yachting Monthly’s usual news, tech, reviews and much more…
Sailing Skills
Orca alert: How to find your way past the orcas of the Gibraltar Straits
Skippers’ tips: Protecting electrics | Seizing shackles | Mooring with crew
A question of seamanship: Could you moor in this difficult windward berth?
Delivery: A complete guide to getting your boat from A to B
Learning curve:‘The orcas shook the boat and spun it in circles like a toy’
Family fun in the French canals: One family takes a summer in the slow lane on passage from the Channel to the Med
Tempting fate in Greenland: An inexperienced crew cut their teeth on a scientific voyage to Greenland’s climate frontier
Cruising community: Falmouth Classics | Contessa regatta | Diary dates
The unspoilt Aegean: One couple finds a crowd-free corner of the Med
Gear and boats
Jeanneau Sun 2500: We test an easy-to-handle pocket cruiser from the early 2000s that’s both fun and practical
X-Yachts X43: A fun boat for fast passage making and luxurious cruising
New gear: Telescopic fenders | High grip deck shoes | 25kW electric inboard
EWincher tested: Is a powered winch handle worth the investment?
How stern gear works: From gear box to stern gland, bearings and prop
Gas on board: As Calor threatens to withdraw its small bottles, we look at safe systems aboard
Editor’s letter: Learning respect
News: Marine heatwave | Piet Vroon | Shetland orca | Fuel app | RNLI honours
Letters: Heavy weather setup | In-mast furling | Orca defence system
Pete Goss: My boat is a retreat
Lu Heikell: Lessons not to forget
Books: One Summer’s Grace, Purves
Confessional: Mud glorious mud