Inside the September issue of Yachting Monthly, you’ll find:
Skippers’ tips
• Battery back-up • Emergency anchoring • Calm under stress
The secrets of the explorers
The routes, gear and skills to sail north
10 seamanship skills every skipper needs to master
How to avoid the mistakes we all make
A question of seamanship
Are you on a collision course?
Counterfeit crew
One skipper offers passage and gets taken for a ride
Lifeboat launch
What really happens when a Mayday goes out?
Short-handed offshore
Four skippers from the AZAB share what it takes to sail offshore with just two people on board
18 and alone in Chile’s fjords
One teenager’s tale of his first solo trip
The upper Bristol Channel
Dag Pike explores this fascinating cruising area
Anchorage: Rhos on Sea
A picturesque anchorage on the north coast of Wales
Cruising Logs
To Bergen at last • A Paralympic dream • Brand new barge
YM goes to war
Julia Jones relives how sailors adapted to the outbreak of war
Rounding Cape Wrath
Savage overfalls, strong tides and violent winds make this a passage to be reckoned with
Southampton Boat Show
Our guide to the show + Readers’ ticket offer
Tested: Bavaria C50
Bold, ultra-modern and spacious. We go for a spin
Find me a… Boat for the ARC
If you’re sailing the Atlantic, these boats could be the adventure vehicle you need
Sailing tenders test
We sail six inflatable and folding tenders that can also sail to find the best all-rounder
New gear
The latest equipment for safety, maintenance and comfort
Editor’s letter
News – The end of red diesel?
Letters – Short-handed MOB
Libby Purves – Yachting diversity
Dick Durham – The price of freedom
Pete Goss – Deceptive beauty
Books – Navigating on the eve of war
Confessions – Don’t forget the crew