Two AeroRigs on a schooner

Long distance cruiser Steve Brown shares his experiences of sailing with his AeroRig aboard his Bestevaer 60C schooner, Novara

a charter yacht in Greece

Whether you own your own boat or not, chartering offers the opportunity to sail somewhere different without complication. Will Bruton takes a look at how to hit the water running

ColRegs Yachts sailing in Cowes

Andy du Port explains the history of how the ColRegs were founded and suggests they might be due an update

Boats in an anchorage

The RYA's former Yachtmaster chief examiner, James Stevens answers your questions of seamanship. This month, how would you cope with another boat anchoring too close?

A poorly marked lobster pot buoy

The RYA's former Yachtmaster chief examiner, James Stevens answers your questions of seamanship. This month, without getting into the water could you clear a line wrapped around the propeller?

Chichester Harbour bar

The RYA's former Yachtmaster chief examiner, James Stevens answers your questions of seamanship. This month with a fresh onshore wind and a strong ebb is the harbour bar passable?