Following an MOB fatality at sea, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston tests livesaving MOB recovery procedures at sea with the MAIB, the RYA onboard. Dick Durham reports
Sailing skills
8 uses for a kedge anchor
Is your kedge anchor lying forgotten in its locker? Vyv Cox outlines 8 ways you can put it to good use
Expert tips for big boat handling
The principles of big boat handling apply to smaller boats, but everything’s bigger – including the consequences of mistakes, says Rachael Sprot
10 classic pilotage mistakes in navigation…
…and how to avoid them. James Stevens reveals the classic pilotage mistakes and explains what you need to do to ensure safe inshore navigation
Which is the best way to sail downwind?
Poled-out genoa, spinnaker or cruising chute? Chris Beeson finds out which to use to sail downwind, when and why
How, when and why to cross Biscay
Crossing Biscay is an offshore rite of passage like no other. Atlantic circuiteer John Simpson talks to Chris Beeson about the best way to take it on
How to make sure you’re not an MOB
We read a lot about MOB recovery but little about how to make sure you don't go overboard. Former RYA cruising instructor Andy Du Port redresses the balance
How to get out of a tight berth by ‘spronging’
Cruising Instructor and YM reader Colm Cleary shows us how to get out of a tight berth by 'spronging off'
20 tips for surviving strong winds
Having analysed several case studies from Cyclone Pam in Vanuatu, Tom Partridge identifies 20 key techniques for surviving strong winds
How to plan and sail an offshore passage
James Stevens stands by as Becca Morley steps up to plan and sail her first big offshore passage as skipper