When all else fails… read the instructions! I’ve written before about discrepancies between super-accurate GPS positioning and charted data. Usually I’m talking about making sure you read the survey information…
Sailing skills
Practical seamanship: Leadlines
Why most cruisers still need a leadline – and how to use it. We’ve had echosounders for decades, but leadlining is still an essential cruising skill.
Skipper’s tips: Changing times, changing tides
Practical advice for all sailors. Tom Cunliffe has sailed tens of thousands of miles all over the world and has been a Yachtmaster Examiner since 1978
Skipper’s tips: Keep up the skills
Practical advice for all sailors. Tom Cunliffe has sailed tens of thousands of miles all over the world and has been a Yachtmaster Examiner since 1978
Skipper’s tips: Dump the jammer
Practical advice for all sailors. Tom Cunliffe has sailed tens of thousands of miles all over the world and has been a Yachtmaster Examiner since 1978
Skipper’s tips: Clash of spreaders
Practical advice for all sailors. Tom Cunliffe has sailed tens of thousands of miles all over the world and has been a Yachtmaster Examiner since 1978
Adventure: guide to sailing in storms
Award-winning sailor and expedition leader Bob Shepton regularly sails some of the most storm-swept latitudes in the world. Not bad for a pensioner in a 33ft Westerly
Skipper’s tips: Heave her clear
Practical advice for all sailors. Tom Cunliffe has sailed tens of thousands of miles all over the world and has been a Yachtmaster Examiner since 1978
10 tips for night sailing
Yachting Monthly experts have sailed tens of thousands of miles around the world, thousands of them at night. Here, they share their ten top tips for night sailing
How to tackle a night passage short-handed
Worried about ‘things that go bump in the night’? Tom Cunliffe says night sailing is easier than you think – and an amazing experience