The biggest storm should be water off a duck’s back in these rugged offshore waterproofs. The YM team put six oilskins to the test to see which perform best
Introduction to Yacht Design: book review
Introduction to Yacht Design explains the characteristics of boat design in a straightforward and understandable manner. Reading it would benefit most boat owners
Alistair MacLean’s War: book review
Alistair MacLean's War is a fascinating delve into the writer's time in the Navy between 1941-1954, an experience which inspired many of his novels
Heavy Weather Sailing: book review
Considered by many to be one of the most important books to have onboard, this latest edition of Heavy Weather Sailing deserves a place on your bookshelf, says Julia Jones
Second World War books: the best reads for sailors
Second World War books with sailing and boats at their heart have long fascinated and enthralled many sailors. We share our favourites
Best polarized sunglasses for sailors: 9 pairs tested
A decent set of sunglasses are essential on the water. Theo Stocker explains why they’re so vital, and tests nine pairs
Best T-Shirts for sailors and boaters
The ubiquitous T-shirt is ideal for summer sailing, being inexpensive, cool, easily washed, and available in an endless choice of colours with a plethora of attractive graphic designs or witty…
Sea Sagas of the North: book review
Sea Sagas of the North is a challenging book, looking at the effects of global warming on communities, with a touch of Old Norse and Icelandic legend
Blokes up North: book review
This honest account of sailing a 17’ open boat through the Canadian Arctic Archipelago is throughly enjoyable and a must read, says Julia Jones
Maid Matelot – The adventures of a Wren stoker in World War Two: book review
This new edition of Maid Matelot is a frank, lively and funny account of the life of a Wren stoker during the second world war, says Claudia Myatt