How would you get back to safety if your rudder was carried away? Chris Beeson tests three jury steering techniques on the water
ocean cruising
Sailors get behind Vanuatu cyclone relief effort
Cruising sailors in the Pacific are helping reach remote islands needing help in the wake of Cyclone Pam
Sailors killed by Cyclone Pam in Vanuatu
The bodies of four sailors have been found in the water after Cyclone Pam tore through Vanuatu causing wide-spread damage
Crash Test Boat – Gas explosion
How safe is your gas system? Do you make regular checks? Chris Beeson and the Crash Test Boat team create a gas explosion to show you why you should never…
Crash Test Boat – Fire
How would you deal with a fire in the galley or the engine room? What’s the best way to prevent fires onboard? Chris Beeson and the Crash Test Boat Team…
Crash Test Boat – Broken seacock
You’re about to leave the boat. As you remove the log impeller, the whole fitting comes away and water gushes in. Chris Beeson finds out what to do next
Crash Test Boat – Holed and sinking
You’ve hit something and you’re holed. What do you do next? Chris Beeson and the Crash Test crew smash a hole in the hull to test 10 ways of saving…
Sailing Rallies Baltic and Transatlantic Forums – last chance
Sailing Rallies Baltic and Transatlantic Forums, only have limited spaces left, so don’t miss out!
Crash Test Boat – Jury Rig
After finding out what it’s like to be dismasted, Chris Beeson and the Crash Test Boat crew explore how to jury rig the remaining wreckage to sail back to safety…
Sailing an ocean – we show you how
Sailing an ocean – your questions answered: ‘I’ve never sailed the Atlantic before but I have a boat. Should I crew first or am I okay to skipper?’ Jeremy Wyatt,…