Imagine for a moment, after a long expedition, you are at the geographic north pole. You look at your compass, but, perhaps unsurprisingly, it is far from pointing at your…
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How to prepare for an Atlantic crossing
If taking on an Atlantic crossing in your own boat is high on your list of sailing dreams, I can thoroughly recommend the experience. However, a dream will stay a…
How to improve single-line reefing
The trend in recent years is for newer yachts to have smaller just-overlapping jibs, even non-overlapping self-tacking jibs, with the mainsail area increased in compensation. Since the introduction of jib…
Would you cross an ocean with this skipper?
Bob has just completed his degree, he is a keen dinghy racing helm who has always dreamed of crossing the Atlantic on a yacht before he settles down to a…
Sailing to warmer climates for winter: ‘The nerves are still there, sometimes utterly stomach churning’
You don’t really notice it too much at first. At each stopover on our summer Mediterranean wanderings we meet up with other yachties, and talk inevitably comes to your cruising…
‘I spent the next four hours winching her further and further up the mast’ – Pete Goss
When I was a ship’s boy in the Royal Maritime Auxiliary Service, an old-timer once offered a piece of advice: ‘Make the tide your friend, boy.’ I’ve embraced it ever…
Planning a cruise: Secrets of successful skippering
When planning a cruise more than a few days out it is rare that the navigation and weather stars align, allowing you to choose your destination, the time to leave…
Everything you need to know about marine AI technology
Innovative technology has always created fresh new chapters in how we approach sailing. You only have to look back at the most advanced and sophisticated navigation systems of the mid-twentieth…
‘Is there a chance that your family actually don’t like sailing?’ – Monty Halls
This month’s column broaches a very delicate subject. I’m not going to tiptoe around it, I’m going to take it head on, and ask the question that should loom large…
Tradewind 33 used boat review: Ocean crossing credentials
In a fast-moving world, it’s good to slow down occasionally. Boats are getting lighter, keels deeper, and rigs taller, all in the pursuit of speed. All have a place, but…