The grand voyages of Pixie (page 3)
Wondering what else could go wrong as Pixie seemed to fall apart around us I thought we make the most of the sunshine and instead of fight against the wind, sail as high as we could north, before tacking west. All was going well until the wind died, and what little there was when it came back had backed to the west. We kept motorsailing for the next few hours, thought the sail was more for stability than propulsion. On reaching the Saltee Islands off Kilmore Quay there was bright sunshine but little wind, so we dropped the main and motored the rest of the way.
We were directed to our berth by the harbour master, who took our lines when we arrived, he gave us a very quick run through of what’s around before rushing off for his dinner. He was in danger of getting in trouble because he waited to see us in.
We set about tidying up Pixie, which didn’t take long, then headed off for showers. 1 euro coin gets you a 2 min shower, we had 3 euros, so I enjoyed every second of the 1:41 shower, as it took 19 seconds to heat up! There is a timer on the wall, I wasn’t sitting wait with a stop watch.
On the way back to the boat we saw a chippy, and decided that fish and chips would go down a treat. We had two portions of beer battered haddock and chips, but to be honest we could have shared one portion and still walked away happy. They were delicious. We walked off our food by taking a stroll up the hill to the pub, had a well earned pint of Guinness, before the desire for bed took over.
You can keep up with Graham and Kirsty’s adventure here on the Yachting Monthly blogs or at