See the latest videos from the Crash Test Boat series by Steve Adams of Yachting TV

More Crash Test Boat videos

Crash Test Boat



Crash Test Team

The Story

How do you stop a 40ft yacht from sinking?

Is it possible to stop the boat from sinking?


Part two:

How do you jury rig a 40ft yacht?

How do you make a jury rig to get you home?

How do you dismast a 40ft yacht?

What really happens when you lose your mast?

How do you capsize a 40ft yacht?

What really happens in a capsize or knockdown?

All Crash Test Boat videos are courtesy of Yachting TV.

Subscribe to Yachting Monthly magazine to read the latest from the Crash Test Boat series.

 Crash Test Boat iPad app now available

  1. 1. Buy the whole series as an iPad App
  2. 2. More Crash Test Boat videos
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